Day 11: Wednesday - Whakahoro to Whanganui

Set off at first light (of a really beautiful day) for what I'd been told was a really difficult track to the Bridge to Nowhere on the Whanganui river 40 km away. Four T.A cyclists had been helicoptered to hospital from here so far! The weather was great, and the track (back road and singletrack) was absolutely fine, a joy to ride with wonderful scenery - my favorite riding so far! There was a 500m climb before dropping  to the river, but I made to 40km in 4 hours, so had 90 mins spare before the jet boat to Pipiriki.

After lunch at the jet boat office/cafe place, I left the other cyclists (who'd decided to stay there) for the 80km cycle to Wanganui along the Wanagnui river road. Finally I felt fit and strong and averaged 20km/h to reach the house of a friend (Fiona Shaw) before dark.


  1. We'll compare photos of the track from hell later. Lovely top photo of the river.🙂

    Signed "unknown" aka Helen


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